Diana S. Alberti
Diana S. Alberti
WholeHearted Women
Full Moon in Leo
We meet to deepen with the Great Mother Archetype she says:
Surrendering is an act of devotion to the Goddess.
Let go of everything you think you know.
Enter into a potent state of receptivity.
Be willing to become empty in order to receive.
Allow your body to feel the state of surrender
Slow your breath…
Feel the back of your heart soften.
Let go of tension with each breath.
Let yourself be open to what is.
Enter the state of receptivity.
- Elayne Kalila Doughty
I can't wait to hear how you have deepened and what have you discovered with The Great Mother archetype
Full Moon Recording
Journaling Prompts
Have you been drinking up the medicine of winter?
Have you allowed the presence of The Great Mother to hold you?
How has your life initiated you in surrendering and receiving?
We typically just move from one task to the other. And skip the in between time, the winter season.
How do you distract yourself from being empty or slowing down?
How do you sit in emptiness?